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Iron Maiden - Listen With Nicko! Part IV lyric

What ho sed de ting!

I'm back, nyaaah! You thought you got away with it, didn't you? But you didn't. No, not on your fourth little
box set of Run To The Hills, Total Eclipse, Number Of The Beast, and Remember Tomorrow live. Aaah!
Box number four. Do you like it so far? What a great set of singles and all that good stuff ... original art
work and all that good stuff! Well, you are again the proud owner of number four, Run To The Hills - Total
Eclipse, released the 12th of February 1982. And welcome once again to "Not a lot of...not a lot of people
know that" Hahah, oh dear, it's getting worse isn't it? Well I have been in here for two or three days and they
won't let me out! No. They've left me stuck in this here studio and what can I do but mumble on and jumble
on and get the words back to front and front to back and all that good stuff.
Run To The Hills, chart position number seven, got there. Released 12th of February 1982, If I said that
already, too f'king bad! Ah, it was first released, as I said, whenever it was, featuring Bruce on vocals. Now
Bruce had joined the band in September '81, and if you think about it it's almost a to the day a year after
Adrian joined, September 1980. Hmm. It was the band's first single, as it happens, to reach the top ten.
Great! Well, what can you say about that? Thank you guys and fans and
girls...guys and girls...all the people out there that bought that, I mean puuhh, got it to number seven. And
also it was one of the favourites of you guys the fans, when we play it it's great, we start of and Bruce
introduces the song and everyone's right there with us to know the words and sing along like you do with a
lot of our songs, but I think that definitely because it was such a popular first top ten single as well such a
popular song. Also the video for Run To The Hills was .... the out takes.... remember the bit with the indians
there, and he's sitting on a penny farthing, you know and they're all getting shot with a bow and the guy in
the back with about six million arrows hanging out of his hat... And the guy goes and gets scalped, and the
geezer goes up behind the indian, oh no, the indian goes up behind the guy right. Oh yeah, I got it right that
time. And he scalps him! And he pulls his hair off, and he's got a bloody toupe on his ... he's got no hair!
He's got a bald head! And the guy...whew, I think they're really great. Well it's a Buster Keaton movie
actually, but Buster they couldn't show him because he'd have got... they'd have got copyright problems and
all that. And it was also fun enough, a big MTV favourite. Now, music television was released over in the
United States before we got it on cable or satellite which is now happening in England. And uh, this was in
the days when they had some serious, you know, they had some good taste, these guys. I mean, they were
playing rock'n'roll and there was heavy metal. Now, they're they're just like what's that, that other lot, the
Bleedin Bojack Company! You know, I'll find an abbreviation for the MTV mob, don't you worry have no
friggin fear! I shall get there! There you go, brilliant success, great story.
Now moving on to the other single in the set, you've got Number Of The Beast, haven't ya? Well if you
haven't there's a mistake. Get onto EMI and have a word......slap'em around the back of
the head like that for an opener, or a punch in the chops would be good. You know. Number Of The Beast,
'Arry Harris composition again, Remember Tomorrow live, 'Arryis..'Arry 'Arrisssizzzz and Paul
Duh..Duh..Duh..Di'Anno. Chart position 18 it got to, that was released on 26th of April 1982. And it was off
of the album of the same name, Number - Of - The - Beast! Allright? Got that? Allright. You know what I
said earlier on as well, I think it was not a lot of people know that part three, or it might have even been part
two, I don't know. I can't really remember, it was too many days ago...remember I told you they kept me in
here for a few weeks...few days. Um, it was released off of the album of the same name. When they were
recording the album, which was at Battery Studio in London, Mr. Martin Birch had a car crash, and all the
old equipment in the studio kept breaking down. All this kind of things were going on. But after he got the
bill presented to him, through the accident that he'd had, his car....the damage bill was six hundred and sixty
six quid, sixty six p! No on my life, I am not pulling the dinger! I am telling ya, this is god's honest truth.
Well after the release of the album, the band were branded as satanists only to boot! What a bunch of prats! I
mean these people have no idea, and they've got their noses stuck up, you know, probably up each others
bum, you know. Or whatever. Anyway, it's all about Steve having a nightmare, I mean he has them pretty
often... poor guy, you know, I mean I pity the wife... "god Steve, whats the matter!" "uh oh uh oh uh oh uh!
oh god, it's coming for me! oh, Eddie! Eddie! Get away!" Hahahaha! Poor old low, never mind.
Anyway...it's horrible though..no, you can't make fun of nightmares. No they're not very nice things, but
Steve had a nightmare what could actually happen if he got involved with all this sort of satanist stuff, and
all that mumbo jumbo and all that mean gear. Well you know, there you go. So basically that was the
inspiration to the song, and out of that came NOTB, and outta NOTB came the album. Hahahaha. Wonder
what the wife looked like? Hahaha, Jesus. I don't know, it's my sense of humour, you probably don't
understand, I don't care anyway.
Anyway, by the way, the video was shot at the Newcastle city hall. And Rod and the boys asked the local
radio station, or asked the ballroom dancers to come up and feature in the video. They did. Puuh, pretty
good isn't it? By the way, it was my uhh...I was still with Trust at that time, and um, we actually did a ten or
twelve date...I think it was ten dates of European tour with Maiden on the Number Of The Beast tour when
they were in Europe. And, just..after this, a couple of months after this period of time on the tour, the band
did a Belgian TV show, and in fact this was my very very very first performance with Iron Maiden....not a
lot of people know that...and we played Number Of The Beast, I guess it was, I think it was Killers and Run
To The Hills, something like that. I might have been wrong, and then again too bad if I am! So what you
gonna do about it! Take that! So! Hahahaha, sorry Dave. Oh gosh, oh my microphone!
Anyway, ah! Remember Tomorrow. Well, this was recorded in Italy...well you can remember tomorrow if
you like, I can't even remember yesterday or even today, so it's up to you. Hahaha. Heh. Anyway,
Remember Tomorrow was recorded in Italy during Bruce's very first live dates with Maiden. And they went
out there to do some gigs with Bruce and break him in, so to speak. He fell.. he fell into a vat of starch the
night before. Hahahaha! Oh god! And he did a few dates before the small U.K. tour at the end of 1981, and
that's uh, that's where Remember Tomorrow was recorded. That's why hence it's Remember Tomorrow live.
And I say, it got to chart position 18, released 26th of April. Good stuff! Anyway, by the way I've gotta go,
so look, if I don't see you in the spring which ain't too far away right, I'll see you in a mattress! Hahahahaha!
Toodle-do! Bye.

Elvis Presley - I Was Born About Ten Thousand Years Ago lyric

I saw old pharaoh’s daughter bring Moses from the water
I'll lick the guy that says it isn't so

I was born about ten thousand years ago
There ain't nothing in this world that I don't know
I saved king David’s life and he offered me a wife
I said now you're talking business have a chair

Yeah, I was born about ten thousand years ago
Ain't nothing in this world that I don't know
Saw Peter, Paul and Moses playing ring around the roses
I'll lick the guy that says it isn't so

I was born about ten thousand years ago
Ain't nothing in this world that I don't know
I saw old pharaoh's daughter bring Moses from the water
I'll lick the guy that says it isn't so

I was there when old Noah built the ark
And I crawled in the window after dark
I saw Jonah eat the whale and dance with the lion's tale
And I crossed over Canaan on a log

I was born about ten thousand years ago
Ain't nothing in this world that I don't know
I saw old pharaoh's daughter bring Moses from the water
I'll lick the guy that says it isn't so

Yeah, I was born about ten thousand years ago
Ain't nothing in this world that I don't know
Saw Peter, Paul and Moses playing ring around the roses
I'll lick the guy that says it isn't so

I was there when old Noah built the ark
And I crawled in the window after dark
I saw Jonah eat the whale and dance with the lion's tale
And I crossed over Canaan on a log

I was born about ten thousand years ago
There ain't nothing in this world that I don't know
I saved king David’s life and he offered me a wife
I said now you're talking business have a chair

Yeah, I was born about ten thousand years ago
Ain't nothing in this world that I don't know
Saw Peter, Paul and Moses playing ring around the roses
I'll lick the guy that says it isn't so

Eminem - No Love (feat. Lil Wayne) lyric

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2 Pac - Pour Out A Little Liquor lyric

Pour out a little liquor for your homies nigga
This one here go out to my nigga Mike Coolie
(Light up a fat one for this one)
How you come up man?

I started young kickin dust and, livin rough
You watch you mouth around my mama you couldn't cuss man
I had a down ass homie though; we ran the streets
And on the scene at the age of fourteen, huh
I packed a nine and my nigga packed a forty-five
We drinkin forties, lil' shorties livin naughty lives
You couldn't stop us, long as I got my glock, FUCK the coppers
Hangin on the block, slangin rocks and makin profits
I couldn't fuck with the schhhoooollll life, I was a fool
I'll play that motherfucker for a toooollll man
Tonight'll be the night that's what we figurin
Hustlin in the rain felt no pain cause we drinkin
Playin them hoes like manure
First let my nigga fuck and then I fuck that's how we do it (ha ha!)
It's two niggaz comin up out the hood
livin life just as good as we could
But since a bitch can't be trusted
Hoes snitched to the po-lice, now my nigga's busted
The cops whoopin on my nigga in jail
tryin to get a motherfucker to tell
And couldn't nobody diss my nigga
Damn, I miss my nigga
Pour out a little liquor!

"My cousin died last year and I still can't let go" (4X)

This goes out to all you so called G's
Pour out a little liquor for your real motherfuckin partners
Don't let the drink get like that y'all, huh
Pour out a little liquor
Pour out a little liquor
What's that you drinkin on?

Drinkin on gin, smokin on blunts and it's on
Reminisce about my niggaz, that's dead and gone
And now they buried, sometimes my eyes still get blurry
Cause I'm losin all my homies and I worry
I got my back against a brick wall, trapped in a circle
Boxin with them suckers til my knuckles turn purple
Mama told me, "Son there'll be days like this"
Don't wanna think so -- I hit the drink and stay blitzed
We had plans of bein big time G's
Rolling in marked cars, movin them keys
And now I roll up the window, blaze up some indo
Get to' down for my niggaz in the pen, yo
Your son's gettin big and strong
and I'd love'm like one of my own, til you come home and
the years sure fly with the quickness
You do the time, and I'll keep handlin yo' business
That's the way it's supposed to be
Homie, if it was me, you'd do the shit for me
Homie, I can remember scrapin back to back
Throwin dogs on them suckers runnin up on this young hog
I hope my words can paint a perfect picture
And let ya know how much a nigga miss ya
Pour out some liquor!

"My cousin died last year and I still can't let go"

Look at you
Drinkin got you where you don't even give respect to your partners
Pour out some liquor nigga!
It ain't like that
Tip that shit over
Pour out a little liquor!

"My cousin died last year and I still can't let go" (4X)

This for my nigga Madman
Dagz, Hood, Silk yeah
A little liquor for my homies y'all
We in this motherfuckin piece YEAH
Pour out a little liquor
Young Queen, YEAH
This one goes out to all my mack partners
Back in the motherfuckin Bay
Oaktown still in the motherfuckin house
(Pour out a little liquor)
My nigga Richie Rich, Gov'na
(I don't care, Nighttrain, Henessey)
All my real motherfuckin partners
(Pour out a little liquor)
And all my real partnas in Marin, fuck you busta ass niggaz
Yeah nigga, pour out a little liquor!!